
For week 45, Andy selected a dataset about Las Vegas. Itcontains a number of metrics, including visitor numbers, gaming revenue,occupancy rates, etc.

This is the original viz

What works well:

  • The bar chart is simply and easy to read
  • The line shows an interesting relationshipbetween the dip in convention attendance and visitor numbers
  • The axes are labeled

What could be improved:

  • There are dual axes but while they’re both inmillions, the units are not the same (one axis from 0-50m, the other from 0-7m)
  • The colors are pretty bad. They’re from Excel, I’mpretty sure and they are just really unpleasant to look at
  • The year labels would be much easier to read ifthey were rotated the right way up
  • The gridlines add unnecessary clutter

What I did:

  • Having a number of measures to work with, quickly led me to a scatterplot.
  • Adding years and creating a connected scatterplot seemed like a logical step
  • I like that the connected scatterplot so clearly shows the ‘backwards trend’ in visitor numbers and gaming revenue during the years of the financial crisis.
  • I added annotations to ensure the data points that stand out are described for anyone looking at the chart
  • Click here to check out my viz.