
For week 40 I chose a rich dataset with a simple viz showing population predictions for London.

The original viz looks like this:


What works well:

  • A simple bar chart showing the predicted population growth for London
  • Tooltips provide exact values
  • Simple color

What could be improved:

  • Without any context, this chart is not easy to understand.
    • What does ‘Number’ mean?
    • Why is there a color legend for a single color?
    • What is actual versus prediction?
    • Where are these numbers from?
    • What year were these numbers from?
  • So what? What does any of this mean and why does it matter?

What I did:

  • What stood out for me was the City of London borough which doesn’t really have room for more people.
  • While all other boroughs will grow, this one won’t and to me that’s such a stark contrast that I focused my viz on it.
  • Went with an animation which doesn’t work on Tableau Public, but it does in this gif below…
  • Viz here